
My name is Carolyn Dilgard. You may have met me at a store, on a plane, a bus, at a gas station, restaurant or elsewhere. But wherever we met, you are here because I saw something in you that made me ask if you had ever considered writing a book!

When I learned more about the book that is inside of you, I knew I wanted to encourage you and guide you into the completion of your writing work. So here we are! And I am extremely excited for the world to READ YOUR BOOK!!

You should know that I am not the teacher. I'm just the "usher". My job is to usher you into the portal, the door that lies open and waiting just ahead for you. The teacher is a man who not only is a New York Times Bestselling Author and who has earned many awards for his work, but he is the ONLY writer to ever be allowed to write both a book for the "Chicken Soup" book series as well as the "Book for Dummies" series.


I am here to guide you to and through the door that leads to an abundant and profitable life for you and the many readers of your book/s who will benefit from what you have to offer them.

It is an honor for me to be in this position and I cannot tell you how much I look forward to this process for you. I will always be here to answer any questions you may have and to walk you through the registration to the most unique and successful book writing program EVER in existance!! This program takes you from your very first word, all the way through chapters, book cover, website, editing, the final publishing and listing on Amazon. What could be greater?!







